
國立教育廣播電台 - 2012年1月20日 下午12:31
1. 101學年度大學校院辦理單獨招收身心障礙學生簡章出爐,參與招生的學校數增加,從去年的22校增加為30校,招生名額從1191名增加為1811名,比去年增加620名,是96學年開辦以來招生人數最多的一次。各校統一在3月10號考試。
The prospectus designed for students with disabilities of 101 academic year is available now. This year, the number of college involved in this program has increased from 22 schools last year to 30. And the number of students has also increased from 1,191 to 1,811. The total increased number of 620 students shows the most significant increase from 96 academic year, which is the first year for the program to be launched. The date of examination has been set on March.10.
2. 教育部鼓勵學生出國留學,在網站彙整各類留學獎補助及留學資訊,包括:公費留學考試、留學獎學金甄試、獎助大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習、臺美菁英短期研習獎學金、外國政府機構提供獎學金及留學貸款等,歡迎有意出國留學的青年朋友,利用教育部國際文教處網站查詢。
To encourages students to study abroad, Ministry of Education has collected various information about overseas study and posted it on the Internet. The information includes exam for overseas study on official expenses, audition for the scholarship, grants for college students to further study abroad or acquire internship, scholarship for short-term internship of elite and also some scholarship and loan provided by foreign official organization. Youngsters wishing to study abroad can check on the web site of Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relation.
3. 學校放寒假了,不少學生想打工賺零用錢,根據人力銀行調查顯示,9成2的大專生有寒假打工計畫,最愛的工讀行業是餐飲、賣場及補習班,和去年相同;另外,學生預期寒假工讀收入平均是1萬1538元。
Winter vacation would be the favored times for students seeking part-time jobs. A survey of human resources bank shows that 92 % of college students have the plan for seeking part-time job among which the favourite working places are restaurants, supermarkets and cram schools, which is the same as last year. Besides, the average expected income is 11,538 dollars.
With the increasing time spent on watching TV and playing video games,the cases for children with short-
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