轉載-國際新聞-埃及示威再起 籲結束軍方統治

法新社 - 2011年11月25日 下午1:50
相關內容 放大照片埃及示威再起 籲結束軍方統治
(法新社開羅25日電) 埃及軍方儘管已矢言將避免下週選舉遭動亂干擾,但抗議人士仍呼籲,今天在開羅再發動新一波大規模抗議行動,要求立即結束軍方統治。
  • Mahalo 1月12日前
    these idiotic Egyptian revolutionist had no idea how did they easily overthrown the Mubarak without end up like the Libyans , not because some idiotic CNN news reporters had help them out , but rather the defection of the military leaders who were originally already planning a military coup way ahead all these had even initiated . These idiotic Egyptian revolutionist believe they are going to challenging the military, this time is going be as bloody as the Libyans, ha ha, ha, they might as well go home and kiss their yellow behind.
  • Mahalo 1月12日前
    of course , unless there is a conflict among the military leaders themself.

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